Monday, May 5, 2014

Book Report - Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala (5-5-14)

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala (5-5-14)

One of many things God showed me through my time of training in Guatemala was that a personal testimony is powerful. Anyone can try to debate someone over the existence of God, the historical accuracy of the Bible, or whether Jesus actually rose from the grave. What cannot be debated, however, is the saving power of Christ and the work the Holy Spirit has done in one’s own life. I love that in his book, Pastor Jim Cymbala shares a lot of his testimony and how God has worked through him and his wife, Carol.

The title of his book, “Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire”, describes how the church today lacks the Holy Spirit’s leading and power. It is not that the Holy Spirit has left, nor even that believers aren’t filled with the Spirit - it’s that the Church as a whole has become so consumed with intellectualism and self-reliance that we have stopped feeling the need to follow the Spirit’s leading. 

Pastor Jim said “The devil is not terribly frightened of our human efforts and credentials. But he knows his kingdom will be damaged when we lift up our hearts to God.” We know that we’re not saved by our works, but by grace and through faith - it is the gift of God. Pride is the biggest struggle mankind has ever known - “I deserve the best” (coveting, stealing, adultery, lying, murder), “I know best” (dishonoring parents, not remembering the Sabbath), and “I am the best” (having other gods, idolizing self, committing blasphemy). 

Getting rid of pride is simple in theory, hard in action. Being broken before the Lord and surrendering our will is the most difficult thing to do - to die to self. This is not a once-upon-salvation thing, this is a day by day (if not moment by moment) struggle that will continue until our last breath. Lifting our hearts up to God is such a freeing experience. We try to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, but Jesus says “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

I have asked many times in my life (as I’m sure a lot of people have), “God, why aren’t you speaking to me?” and “I don’t understand Lord, why are you doing this?”. The answer to the first one has always been “I have been speaking to you - I have convicted you of the habitual sin in your life, and you have ignored Me.” The answer to the second has always been “Trust Me. I see the beginning and the end. I hold the world in My hands. I am faithful even when you are not. I love you and have perfect plans for your life. Follow after me with all your being and I will take care of the rest.” 

Are we going to trust Him with our lives? Do we want to be on fire for our Savior? How do we do this? The question is not whether we are worthy of being filled with the Spirit because the answer will always be no - we are worthy of eternal death in hell. Rather, the question is whether we will allow ourselves to be emptied of our will and allow the Spirit to fill us with Him. He is a Gentleman - He won’t come where He’s not welcomed. Jeremiah 29:12-13 says “Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” To be filled with the Spirit is to be completely submitted to His Will, to fervently desire to be led by Him and to be in constant fellowship with Him.

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