Inductive Bible Study for 1 Corinthians 13:3b-4
"But have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, and is not puffed up,"
This is the chapter on love and I always think of the song called Love Never Fails by Brandon Heath when I read it. My favorite part about this song is the line that says "Love is alive - Love is the Way, the Truth, the Life". Jesus is Love, Love is Jesus. The only One's Name Who has/will ever be put in place of love is God. For example - change "love endures all things. Love never fails." to "Jesus endures all things. Jesus never fails." None of us can ever fulfill those requirements, nor (by God's grace) do we have to. However, as a result of God's love towards us, we should want to ask the Spirit for these attributes.
All these adjectives of love are fruits of the Spirit and virtues. Galatians 5:22-23 lists the fruit of the Spirit - notice how there are 9 words but the word fruit is singular. It appears to me that all the other words are a byproduct of love. Joy, peace, long suffering (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control come as a result of loving God and others. You can't be joyful or have peace without loving first. You can't be kind or patient if you don't have love. Back in 1 Corinthians at the beginning of the chapter, there are several things that Paul says are worthless without love - speaking in tongues, gift of prophesy, all knowledge, having all faith to move mountains, giving everything to the poor and having his body burned.
Life is empty and worthless without love. Paul says anything he says without love just sounds like a clanging cymbal. You can be right about something but be wrong because you said it without love. You can be the nicest person ever, but it doesn't matter if you didn't do it with love. Everyone has a hole inside them that can't be filled with anyone or anything except God. Human beings were made to worship God and are missing the point of life if they're living for themselves. Love is what we are filled with by God and love is what we pour out on others when we are overflowing with God's Spirit. There's a constant cycle and struggle inside of me to empty me of myself and let the Spirit fill me with Him - He is where I find my love, peace and strength.
Love suffers long. I hate suffering. Suffering is not fun or easy - it's scary, depressing and difficult. Yet Jesus suffered through torture and a slow, agonizing death on the Cross for me. If I truly love someone, I will suffer for them. Love is kind. Being kind is a little easier than suffering, but in so far as I can be kind on the outside but not on the inside. Being kind is being considerate. I need to make sure my heart is right when I'm being kind. Love does not envy. Envy is coveting - this is also a matter of the heart. Am I content with what God has given me and where He has placed me? Do I wish I had what others have or am I happy for them and love them.
Love does not parade itself. I think parading is when we try to make others envy US. Do I show off what I have because I want people to want what I have or am I content with simply having what God has given me? Parading is not loving others - it is causing them to stumble. Love is not puffed up. Arrogance is not loving others - it's being important in your own eyes. It's thinking you're better than everyone else, but we are all created equal in God's eyes. As said before, love is the most important thing to have. I want to be loving in everything I do, so I'm going to write the word LOVE on my wrist as a reminder.
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