Thursday, February 27, 2014

IBS Philippians 2:7 (2-27-14)

Inductive Bible Study Method for Philippians 2:7 (2-27-14)
“but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.”

Jesus did not come to this earth to build a Kingdom - He came to seek and save that which was lost. The disciples had this idea in their head that Jesus’ mission was to destroy the Roman empire and build His Kingdom on earth. Jesus did not make for Himself a reputation - in fact, there were several instances when Jesus told those He healed not to tell anyone, as Mark 5:43 says “But He commanded them strictly that no one should know it”. He also cast out a demon because He was annoyed with it for proclaiming His majesty. 

Christ’s main purpose is to glorify the Father - this is why He never gave glory to Himself. He is the great Comforter. Jesus came down from heaven, took the form of a bondservant and bore the sins of the world. When we repent of our sins and believe on Christ’s death and resurrection, Christ comforts us and shows us that we are cleansed by His blood.

Jesus came in the likeness of man to be able to relate to us, experience what we experience and be tempted in every way that we are tempted. He doesn’t sympathize with or feel bad for us, instead, He empathizes with us and understands exactly what we’re going through because He’s been through it. He needed to be able to represent us to God the Father, and represent God the Father to us. He was the bridge that crossed the impossible divide of sin between humankind and heaven. 

How often do I want to make a reputation for myself? How often do I choose to act like I’m above those around me instead of being a servant? Why in the world would I think that I deserve to have glory given to me when my holy and perfect Savior didn’t take ANY glory for Himself? I want to have a humble heart and a bondservant’s attitude. I chose to become Christ’s bondservant, so I need to ask the Holy Spirit for help so I can not only act like it but also so my heart will show it. I’m going to write “bondservant” on my hand to remind myself of the choice I made to serve Christ. 

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