Inductive Bible Study Method for Philippians 4:11 (2-13-2014)
“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:”
Here are verses 10 through 13 in my own words. Your care for me has come alive, though you cared before but didn’t have opportunity. I’ve learned to be content no matter where I am, what I have or who I’m with. I can empathize with you - I’ve been full and hungry, I’ve had plenty and have suffered. I can do anything because Christ gives me strength.
Paul thanked the Philippians for supporting him in his time of need. He said that they did care for him but lacked the opportunity to support him. He’s thankful for what they were able to give. He told them that he knew God would take care of him, regardless of the circumstances.
He learned to be content with what he was given. When he had much, he used it for God’s glory, and when he had very little, he still used it for God’s glory. He can empathize with them in what they’ve gone through because he’s been through all kinds of circumstances and was still able to praise God. He knew that the Holy Spirit enabled him to do all things, and that he didn’t need to worry about what his abilities were because Christ would give him power.
Just as the Philippians supported Paul when they could, we should also support each other when we can. This includes bearing one another’s burdens, lifting one another up in prayer, and being encouraging and edifying, in love. To be content in supporting one another means to not be greedy with someone else’s time when they’re encouraging you. It also means that I, myself, give freely of my time to love on others.
Paul learned to be content with whatever God gave him. I also want to be like this. I want to praise Jesus when I am in the oasis and when I’m in the desert. I want to use my resources wisely because God has blessed me with them, and I don’t want to covet when there’s something someone else has that I want. I want to encourage others to praise Him at all times also.
Paul says that he can do anything - not in his own strength or power, but through Christ Who strengthens him. Am I relying on Christ’s power to be in me instead of relying on my own reserve? Am I suppressing the Holy Spirit when He tells me to do something because I’m afraid that I can’t do it? Am I content with the gifts He’s given me and content in the fact that He will enable me to do things even when I’m scared?
I want to rely on Christ to give me strength, love and contentment. I want to give others encouragement and compassion. I want to be joyful in the Lord during the good times and during the bad times. I’ve been learning that nothing is in my control anyway, so the only thing that worrying does is hurt me and damage my faith in Christ. I want to be content in the gifts He’s given me and keep in my heart that only because of Him can I do all things.
I’m going to volunteer on KP for dinner tonight so I can do dishes. I’m going to put into practice being grateful to those serving me, serving others with a happy heart, and being thankful that I’m in the “oasis” with 3 meals a day among everything else God has blessed me with.
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