Friday, April 4, 2014

IBS Acts 2:46-47 (4-3-14)

Inductive Bible Study Method for Acts 2:46-47 (4-3-14)
“So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”

Being in one accord means to be in complete agreement or with one mind. There are lots of times that I’ve disagreed with someone over something stupid, and it really wasn’t essential that we agree on it, yet I look at them in a different light after. It’s almost as if I’m offended that they don’t believe the exact same things I do. This is something I really need to work on, we are to love one another - even if we don’t agree on everything.

They broke bread, going from house to house. I once went over to someone’s house for dinner, and they said that they didn’t usually have people over who could give them the same kindness. What’s the point of giving to someone who can repay you? We are to give to someone with a cheerful heart and out of love, not in order to get something in return. I’m convicted about this - I really need to evaluate my motives when I give to people, whether it be my time, my stuff or something else. I should give to someone because I want to, not because I feel like I have to. 

They ate with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. I am glad a lot, but when’s the last time I did something with simplicity of heart? I really want to have that peacefulness and simplicity, yet so often I’m making things way too complicated. I need to remember that walking with the Lord isn’t confusing, it’s just difficult. It’s a matter of being broken before God, repenting of sin, and asking Him to fill me with His Spirit.

The Lord added to the church daily. How awesome is that? I realize that some people never see the fruit of their labor, but I long to see people coming to Christ. It’s only by His working in their hearts that they can see their sin, but we, as believers, are called to bring the Gospel to all the earth. 1 Corinthians 3:6 says “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” I am often scared to share Christ because I’m afraid of what they’ll think of me, and that I’m afraid I won’t say the right things. I need to keep in mind that if I have the Holy Spirit leading me, I can’t say the wrong thing. It’s our job to tell them about Jesus, then it’s in their hands. 

I am going to take 30 minutes during my On the Mount time to focus on praying specifically for my team, that we would be in one accord. 

IBS Acts 2:44-45 (4-2-14)

Inductive Bible Study Method for Acts 2:44-45 (4-2-14)
“Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.”

These believers were together, had all things in common, and shared everything. They gave to anyone who had need. This was not “taking from the rich and giving to the poor”, this was everyone selling everything and dispersing it among themselves. There wasn’t anyone taking advantage of anyone else - they were all equal and everyone profited. 

If the essentials of the Christian faith are agreed upon (Jesus being fully Man and fully God, dying on the Cross, rising from the dead 3 days later, salvation being repentance and putting faith in Christ, etc.), and if you’re able to agree to disagree about nonessential things - then there should be a togetherness that happens. We should love one another as Christ loves the church and give to anyone who is lacking the necessities. 

In the book we read (Calvary Road), there was a chapter devoted to the relationship between fellow believers. What I got out if it was that if a believer does not have fellowship with other believers, he is cutting himself off from having a deeper relationship with God. You’ll only get to a certain level of intimacy with our Father if you aren’t partaking in the community of His other children.

Philippians 2:1 says that we are to have fellowship in the Spirit. 3:10 says that we have fellowship in Christ’s sufferings. 1 John 1:6-7 says that we are liars if we walk in darkness yet say we have fellowship with Christ, and that we can have fellowship with one another because Jesus’ blood cleanses our sin. All this to say that we are all the body of Christ because we’ve been cleansed by Christ’s blood and been filled with the Spirit, so we need to have fellowship and walk in the light together.

How am I striving to maintain fellowship with my brothers and sisters? Am I making an effort to build relationships with others? I am going to continue to pray with people on the spot when they ask for prayer or when I feel the Holy Spirit leading me to pray with them. I made a list the first week we got here of the people living here/involved in ministry here, and wanted to pray for them often. I’ve slacked off in that, so I want to pray for all the people on that list every day. 

IBS Acts 2:43 (4-1-14)

Inductive Bible Study Method for Acts 2:43 (4-1-14)
“Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.”

There are a lot of people who do not have a healthy fear of God. It’s usually one extreme or another. Some people are afraid that God will strike lightning down from the sky if they make one wrong move, and others have a cocky boldness that makes them think they can bargain their way into heaven. We need to have a reverence and respect for God, as He is our Creator. 

Romans 14:11-12 says “For it is written: “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.” Everyone will have to answer for everything they’ve done, said and thought. Even those who deny God’s existence will bow at His feet in worship. God is a loving and righteous judge - He can’t be in the presence of sin, so those unwashed by Christ’s blood will be sending themselves to hell. He isn’t unloving for denying access to heaven - if someone hates God, why would they want to worship Him for all eternity?

Many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Everyone knows Philippians 4:12 “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.” The sole reason the apostles could perform these wonders was because the Holy Spirit dwelt in them - and the sole purpose for these signs was to bring glory to Christ. If they had been trying to do the miracles to glorify themselves, God would not have blessed them by enabling them. 

My purpose for being on this earth is to glorify my Maker. Anything I do out of selfish ambition will not be blessed by God. I used to do things because I had to, not because I got to. I’m learning to pray before doing anything, give thanks to God for letting me serve Him, and do everything wholeheartedly for Him. I’m going to write “It’s all because of Jesus I’m alive” on my arm to remind me to do everything with a cheerful heart, as unto the Lord.