Wednesday, May 7, 2014

IBS Psalms 133:1-3 (5-7-14)

Inductive Bible Study Method for Psalms 133:1-3 (supposed to be for 4-4-14)
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the bread of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing - life forevermore.”

I know what it is to not dwell in unity with my sisters - we had a LOT of fights, arguments and disagreements while growing up. We loved each other a lot but were also stubborn and thought we knew it all. When there is disunity, it is the effects of one of two causes. The first is selfishness and pride - when you want your way and are not willing to put someone above yourself. Romans 12:10 says “Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;”.

The second cause is another matter altogether - when the dispute is over and essential. I love the quote that Pastor Jim Randall uses a lot “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.” - Augustine. This means that there needs to be agreement on the things that truly matter - the fundamentals that need to be believed in order to be saved. In things that don’t really matter in the light of eternity, you can have your own opinion but there is no need to insist that your belief is the correct one. In all things, everyone should be kind, loving and compassionate.

There may be disunity when an issue arises that you cannot simply agree to disagree on. When this happens, Matthew 18 can be implemented. This is the process believers should go through to deal with sin and offenses (and even disagreements about fundamental doctrine). When someone is doing or saying something that is unscriptural, you go to that person first and confront them with Scripture, in love. If they don’t listen, then bring along a brother and confront them. If they still don’t listen, bring them before the church and have the Pastor and leadership confront them. If during any time they repent and change their ways or mind, then they are to be given grace and continue in fellowship. If after all this confrontation they still do not repent, they they are to be excused from the church and treated as a heathen - which is to still love them but to not be in close fellowship with.

These verses say that unity is good and pleasant, it is likened unto precious oil and dew descending on Mount Zion. Why is unity so good? I think it all comes back to who is being exalted - in disunity, you are putting yourself above everyone else; whereas in unity in Christ, everyone is putting what God says above their own opinions. Salvation is agreeing with what God says about you. I was in denial about God’s opinion of me for a long time. He says that I have sinned against His laws and that I have to be separated from Him. I had to come to terms with that, and only then was I able to see my desperate need for His love and forgiveness. How awesome is it that we hated him and He loved us enough to give up His life so we could have a relationship with Him?

I want to live in unity with the Simpsons, Mike and Sara. The 3 of us interns are really close - we try to be sensitive to each other’s feelings and needs. Sometimes we do and say things that are offensive or hurtful though, and when this happens, it’s up to both people to make things right. I want to continue to be sensitive to my brothers and sisters  that I live with - both in how I act towards them and also in communicating with them when I’m hurt. I have ben praying for all our Ignite Class 6, and I’m going to continue to do this - that we would all be growing closer to Christ and to each other, and for us to all dwell together in unity. 

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